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A Fresh Take on Personal Branding best practices career advice interview tips resume resume writing Jan 30, 2023

Do you prefer podcasts? Check out the in-depth exploration PLUS bonus features on Tattooed Freaks in Business Suits:


Chances are, you probably have heard the term "personal branding"...

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So, you didn't win the lottery. Now what? career career advice Jan 16, 2023

Want an in-depth discussion of this topic? Check out my latest podcast episode of “Tattooed Freaks in Business Suits:”


I admit it. Over the few days leading up to the...

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A strategic approach to career cushioning best practices career career advice job hunting job search job search tips Jan 03, 2023

Have you heard of career cushioning yet? If not, get ready for the next career trend of 2023.

 A carry-over term from the dating world, cushioning is the process of thinking about or actively testing the waters for a new relationship when the current one looks like it might be in danger of...

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Ask Donna: How can I keep my job search alive during the holidays? ask donna job search advice Dec 12, 2022

Dear Donna,

I’ve noticed that the amount of jobs posted online seems to dry up around the holiday season – I know I saw a definite drop in relevant jobs for me over Thanksgiving week. I’m worried I won’t be able to keep my job search alive during the pending holidays. So...

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Are you ready for the January hiring surge? best practices job hunting job search job search advice Dec 08, 2022

As a job seeker, it is important to know the ebb and flow of the hiring cycles. As we look forward to 2023, be ready for that intense hiring period throughout Q1.

Here’s a breakdown of the next couple of months – and how to use this to your advantage:


You may be tempted to...

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Is your job search stuck in quicksand? job hunting job search job search advice job search tips Nov 22, 2022

Chances are, you probably haven’t received much formal training in job searching. If you are lucky, your college may have held some classes or workshops. Similarly, you may have sought advice online only to find many conflicting approaches.


 How is a job seeker supposed to put a...

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Announcing our new Client Referral Program Sep 18, 2022

Do you love us? Want to help your friends with their job search? Now you can help yourself while you help others!


We are happy to announce our new Referral Program.


For everyone you refer to our business that purchases a full resume or coaching package, you receive $25!



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6 Tips to Keep Your Resume Fresh job hunting job search tips resume resume writing Sep 09, 2022

Did you know that September is officially International Update Your Resume Month?

 Yep! If you aren’t sure where to start, check these six tips to ensure your resume isn’t old and moldy.


  1.  The one-page resume myth

Unless you are an entry-level candidate, the one-page...

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5 Tips for Effective Salary Negotiations best practices job search job search advice salary negotiations Aug 15, 2022

Have you ever negotiated your salary before? Surprisingly, the vast majority of job seekers never negotiate once they receive an offer from a company. However, most employers are happy to increase that starting salary for top candidates! If you want to earn more money, check out these five...

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4 Tips to Recession-proof Your Career career career advice job search Jul 18, 2022

Chances are, you have heard the warning signs: Economic experts are predicting a Recession very soon, especially in light of current inflation.


How will this impact your career? And what can you do about it?


1. Watch Your Industry

Depending on your industry, the impact on your...

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Does HR hate job seekers? Jul 11, 2022

If you are a job seeker, it might feel like the HR department hates you.

 After all, they certainly aren’t treating you like a friend!

 Well, HR doesn’t actually hate you, but they do have some procedures in place to keep the relationship a little cool.

 Keep this...

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"Treat your job search like a job" - What does that REALLY mean? best practices business practices job hunting job search advice job search tips networking Jun 13, 2022

I am sure you heard that phrase before – but what does it actually mean?

 If you are like most people, you might assume that it means time – you need to devote up to 40 hours a week to looking for a new job. After all, you need to treat it like a job!



Treating your...

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