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Is job searching just a numbers game?

job hunting job search advice job search safety job search tips Feb 25, 2025

Will slamming out hundreds of resumes a day land you a job?


Possibly – but it will probably also suck.


Playing the Numbers Game

Since the rise of automated AI application tools like, many applicants have used them to mindlessly apply for jobs, hoping that the “numbers game” will work. In other words, if they apply enough times, the law of averages says they will eventually land a job.


However, the numbers are bleak. Even with such tools, the average success rate is landing one interview for every 50-100 applications, or 1-2%.


While the AI can help customize the resume with relevant keywords from the job description, states that their service is 4x more successful. That means the overall success rate of landing an interview from automated applications is 4 out of 50, or 8%.


Customer reviews are not favorable either – JobHire only scored two stars on Trustpilot, with 67% of users giving it one star.


By comparison, being selective about your applications and using a solid base resume that is consciously tweaked to the job usually results in up to 3 interviews per every 10 applications—or a 30% return rate.


Problems with Blind Applications

When playing the numbers game, job seekers do not take any time to research the company. That means they are FAR more likely to take a job that is less than ideal simply because that is the one who called.


Many employers with a bad culture conduct mass hiring, as they are constantly needing to replace people due to high turnover. That means they have more ads online, which are fed to the automated application systems.


Talk about the ultimate frustration! You spend all that time and effort to get this job just to find out that it sucks.


We always recommend taking some time to do at least preliminary research into the company such as checking out the website or their Glassdoor reviews. Not only will you gain insight into the operations, but you will also gain key facts to customize your resume and cover letter the smart way.


Do you want to pay to apply to scam jobs?

Another problem with automated applications is that they apply to anything within the parameters you set – including scam jobs.

If you do not diligently review everything those bots are doing, you could be putting your data and even your identity at risk.


Rarely Works for Higher Level Positions

Finally, if you are seeking a leadership role or one that demands more experience, the “spray and pray” method probably won’t work.


Such roles are usually filled by a more selective and refined search process than sifting through hundreds of applications. It requires a multi-faceted approach that includes networking, building recruiter relationships, researching target companies, and reaching out to industry thought leaders. While some positions will appear online, you need to go the extra mile to actually connect with the hiring committee.


Similarly, highly niche industries like luxury lifestyle management or private service follow their own rules. If you want to land a job in an extremely hidden job market, tapping into Groups on LinkedIn to figure out the key players is one of the best-kept secrets.


Bottom Line: Get Efficient but Not Brain-Dead

Don’t get me wrong – I love an efficient job search. I teach those methods in our coaching programs and online courses. The main thing is don’t lose the human element and maintain control of your applications.


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